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Blogger JSON Feed

Blogger does not natively provide a JSON Feed for blogs hosted on their platform. However, you can create a custom JSON Feed for your Blogger blog using Google Apps Script. Here's a basic outline of how you can achieve this:

1. Enable the Blogger API:
  • Go to the Google API Console.
  • Create a new project (if you don't have one already).
  • Enable the "Blogger API" for your project.
2. Set Up Google Apps Script:
  • Go to the Google Apps Script website.
  • Create a new project.
  • Replace the default Code.gs content with the code below.
3.Customize the JSON Feed:
  • In the createJSONFeed function, customize the number of posts to display, the blog ID, and any other metadata you want to include in your JSON feed.
4. Publish the Script as a Web App:
  • From the Google Apps Script editor, go to "Publish" > "Deploy as web app."
  • Choose "Anyone, even anonymous" for "Who has access to the app."
  • Click "Deploy" and follow the instructions to grant necessary permissions.
5. Retrieve the JSON Feed:
  • Once your web app is deployed, you will get a URL for the JSON feed.
  • You can access this URL to get the JSON representation of your blog posts.
Here's a basic Google Apps Script code to get you started:
function createJSONFeed() {
var blogId = 'YOUR_BLOG_ID'; // Replace with your actual Blog ID
var numPosts = 10; // Number of posts to include in the feed
var posts = [];
var blog = Blogger.Blogs.get(blogId);
var posts = Blogger.Posts.list(blogId, { maxResults: numPosts, fetchImages: false }).items;
var feed = {
version: 'https://jsonfeed.org/version/1',
title: blog.name,
home_page_url: blog.url,
feed_url: 'YOUR_WEB_APP_URL', // Replace with your web app URL
items: []
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
var post = posts[i];
var item = {
id: post.id,
url: post.url,
title: post.title,
content_text: post.content,
date_published: post.published,
author: {
name: post.author.displayName,
url: post.author.url
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(feed)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);
Remember to replace 'YOUR_BLOG_ID' and 'YOUR_WEB_APP_URL' with your actual Blog ID and Web App URL, respectively.
Please note that Google services and features might have changed or been updated since my last knowledge update, so I recommend checking the Blogger API documentation and Apps Script documentation for any recent changes. Additionally, consider security and privacy implications when deploying a custom web app to access your blog's content.

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